21 North Main St Monroeville OH 44847 419-465-2922 or 419-465-4443
Village of Monroeville

Contact Us


  • If you wish to contact the Village of Monroeville regarding a traffic camera notice of liability, please click on TRAFFIC CAMERAS above, as it may contain the information that you are looking for. If you have further questions about a traffic camera notice of liability, please email the Monroeville Police Department directly, at Answer@MonroevillePolice.com. They can also be reached at 419-465-2474, 21 N Main Street, Monroeville OH. 44847 (entrance is located on the north side of the building). 
  • If you would like to make payment arrangements for a traffic camera notice of liability and/or if you would like to make a public records request regarding traffic camera liability notices, please use the form below to send us a message.


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