21 North Main St Monroeville OH 44847 419-465-2922 or 419-465-4443
Village of Monroeville


Meeting location: MMC Council Chambers, 21 N Main Street, Monroeville

The Council for the Village of Monroeville holds a regular meeting once a month, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Council meetings begin promptly at 6:00 PM. The public is encouraged and welcome to attend.

Council work sessions and special meetings are held on an as needed basis. Please click the calendar tab above to view any scheduled meetings.

The Planning Commission meets as needed, usually on the Monday preceding the regurlarly scheduled Council meeting, beginning promptly at 7:00 PM. If you would like to be added to the Planning Commission agenda, you are required to submit notice, along with any materials, to the Village Administrative Office, no later than 4:00 PM, on the Tuesday preceding the Planning Commmission meeting.

The Board of Zoning Appeals meets as needed. Please click the calendar tab above to view any scheduled meetings.  



