Street and Parks Department
Street Superintendent: Dustin Crabtree
Staff: Sean Crosby
Seasonal Staff: Neil Scheid, Jimmy Clingman & Madi Clark
Ph: 419-465-2800
Fax: 419-465-4159
Email: [email protected]
The Village of Monroeville Street Department is in charge of street maintenance. They are also responsible for the pick-up of yard waste and leaves, as well as snow removal.
Yard waste generally runs from April thru October, (the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month), followed by leaf pick-up from October into December (the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, weather permitting).
Yard waste must be in a container, two containers maximum, with NO PLASTIC BAGS. No trash, animal feces, garbage, or other non-yard waste materials. Yard waste includes grass clippings, hedge trimmings, cut-up limbs and branches, leaves, and other yard material. Contents and weight limits (40lbs) will be strictly enforced. Containers should be curbside by 7:00 AM, on the second and fourth Tuesdays, and not more than 48 hours prior to the scheduled pick-up date.
Leaves will be vacuumed on an as-needed basis. Please have your leaves raked to the curbside by 7:00 AM, in order to allow the vac truck to be most effective. Please do not rake leaves into the street. DO NOT rake any garbage, bottles, cans, sticks, limbs, or animal feces with the leaves. Anything other than leaves will be left for you to dispose of!